What is Crystal Resonance Therapy?

Crystal Resonance Therapy is similar to acupressure. I am in Primus state, Similar to coherence/Heartmath which ignites my heart through breath & Radiates my ELECTROMAGNETIC field. In Primus state however i’m connecting into the earth’s ELECTROMAGNETIC field & amplify out to put stones & CRYSTALS into resonance.

We do an induction which walks you through pulling this abundant energy up & Through your body. This is where we become aware of areas that have STAGNANT, slow or stuck energy. I place crystals & stones, working with the elements of earth, fire, water, wind & storm within the crystals & stones- these interactions in addition to the amplification moves Your energy leaving you feeling lighter. After every session people are amazed by what they felt happen in a session.

It is a clinical practice. when working with a client through several sessions I am able to put into a chart the data from our session & we can see on paper how your energy shifts as we progress. I make Elixirs to fortify the movement of energy for HOME-CARE.
